
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Rosary a Day (or Night)

There was an earthquake the other day. I was trying to pray a Rosary before bed but falling asleep towards the end, and so I kept losing my place on the beads. I decided to put it away and finish it in the morning--there was  only one decade to go. So I put my Rosary on the chair by my bed and fell asleep to the peaceful sensation of a heart full of prayer.

I woke up to my mom's frantic voice and the ground was shaking. First thing I saw was the Guadalupe statue right next to my bed. Not a coincidence. After that I scrambled out of bed, almost fell on my face trying to get to the door, and the earthquake finally stopped. I realized there had been a reason to save one decade for later, because I was going to need that peace again in a few hours.

There hasn't been another earthquake since then, but we're expecting one.
I know to keep praying and I'll be safe. And even if I'm falling over with sleepiness, I need to at least pray a few decades of the Rosary before bed. Not only do I feel safe, but they also keep the nightmares away that I used to get all the time. You should try it, too.

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